
Together at the Table: Allergic to the Holidays

by Meredith Blanks Paterson Holidays are fraught with emotion for everyone, and those emotions can be particularly heightened around the subject of food. Holiday celebrations revolve around food, and the preparation and eating of the food is a ritual sacred to many households.  When you or a family member has food sensitivities, food allergies, and…...

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Together at the Table: New Research on Eating Together

by Meredith Paterson These Saturday Together at the Table blog posts are intended to start or sustain a family dialogue about food, cooking, and eating, and we’ll be sharing recipes, food-related research, food events, and other fun food-related tidbits. This week, I came across newly-published research about the benefits of eating together as a family…....

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Together at the Table: Great Blogs for Cooking with Kids

by Meredith Paterson ©2011 Super Healthy Kids. Amy Roskelley provides resources on feeding your family healthy food. Visit Super Healthy Kids for more ideas I have recently found some OHMazing™ resources that I wanted to share with you. There are many days when I have no idea what to cook for dinner, and then the…...

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