

Our MOSST curriculum and training integrate mindfulness, movement, neuroscience, transformative SEL, mental health, and social justice in a trauma-informed, standards-based PreK-12 program. Enroll in MOSST here!

MOSST (Mindful and OHMazing® Strategies for Students and Teachers) offers daily, self-paced mindfulness and yoga lessons in written and video formats. This empowers teachers to learn and benefit, too!

We utilize both outside studies as well as our own qualitative and quantitative research to inform our work. Some of the research-based goals of MOSST are the following: 

  • Cognitive outcomes: Attention, Focus, Academic Achievement
  • Social Emotional Skills: Social Emotional Resilience, Social Skills, Relationship Building and Empathy
  • Enhanced Physical and Mental Health
  • Decrease in Disciplinary Referrals
  • Increase in Teacher Longevity and Job Satisfaction
  • Develop new abilities to be calm and find focus
  • Expanded awareness and abilities to integrate mindful movement and breathing into daily activities to self-regulate physical, emotional and mental levels
  • Increase in physical and emotional flexibility
  • 44% increase in core strength and 16% increase in upper body strength
  • Widen awareness and use of multiple languages
  • Improve willingness to make good choices for self, others and the environmen

 During the self-paced, 8- or 16-week sessions, students, teachers, counselors, and others learn a set of research-based mindfulness life-skills. Each life-skill supports compassionate self-regulation: as students become more attuned to their emotions and energy levels, they learn to choose the tool or strategy to best support them moment to moment.

MOSST Mindfulness Life-Skills Include:

  • Intentional Breathing Exercises
  • Activities supporting focused attention on thoughts and sensations
  • Movement routines
  • Age-appropriate neuroscience mini-lessons
  • Playful games
  • Resources and experiences that relate to anti-bullying and social justice
  • In cooperation with Ten Percent Happier – Meditation App

The MOSST (Mindful and OHMazing® Strategies for Students and Teachers) curriculum supports the implementation and integration of a community-wide skill set of research-based and trauma-informed Mindfulness life-skills. These life-skills include tools and strategies such as intentional breathing, focused attention on thoughts and sensations, and movement routines that create compassionate self-regulation of emotions and energy levels. Learn more here.

Our experience with implementing mindfulness and yoga in schools includes working with schools and organizations for over 12 years—facilitating our own research and with a 3rd party university-based researcher and evaluator—with evidence that these strategies help students and faculty monitor and respond to their emotions, assess their energy levels, and shift their mental and physical states to optimize learning and well-being. As a result, teachers will notice an increase in teaching time and connections with students as well as academic success. Our original research shows that 95% of teachers and parents noticed a distinct increase in peaceful, calm, quieter approaches among learners, and that 94% of students thought the tools and strategies were fun to learn.

The creator and a main facilitator of MOSST, Dr. Reese, is a graduate of UC-Berkeley Greater Good Science Center two year Mindfulness and Meditation Teacher Certification Program and thus has access to many of the world’s most influential and innovative teachers as well as their support, resources, research, and practices. She is also completing a graduate degree in clinical mental health.