
For Schools: MOSST

MOSST (Mindful and OHMazing® Strategies for Students and Teachers) is a mental health and interdisciplinary curriculum that integrates Mindfulness, Movement, Transformative SEL, Spanish, Social Justice, and Neuroscience into one place. Three levels make it developmentally appropriate for PreK-12! MOSST features

  • daily, on-demand lessons to support students and teachers with stress and anxiety reduction,
  • self-regulation,
  • focus,
  • positive behavior,
  • anti-bullying,
  • learning readiness

In sharing our OHMazing® mission—Feel, Connect, Act to Heal—we teach and support social justice, inclusion, and equity on and off the yoga mat.

“There is no more perfect time to provide our students and staff with tools for mindfulness, movement and kind, respectful interactions. In a world where many things are out of our control, our thoughts, breath and actions are ours to choose. MOSST brings awareness and options for us to better take care of ourselves and others. Thank you, Beth Reese and Yoginos Yoga for Youth, for this gift to our community at a time when we need it the most.”

Michelle Symonds, Head of School, Holy Spirit Episcopal School

Mindful & OHMazing® Strategies for Students and Teachers (MOSST)

Each day, students and teachers are faced with both visible and invisible stressors such as test anxiety, bullying, food insecurity, generational and situational trauma, as well as the biological transformations that naturally occur from birth to adulthood. These stressors can lead to depression, anxiety, anger management issues, difficulties with focus and attention, poor academic performance, and physical health problems. Research has shown that mindfulness and breath awareness can help students mitigate the effects of internal and external stressors so that they can participate fully in school and in life.

The MOSST curriculum toolkit supports the implementation and integration of a community-wide skill set of research-based and trauma-informed Mindfulness life-skills. These life-skills include tools and strategies such as intentional breathing, focused attention on thoughts and sensations, and movement routines that create compassionate self-regulation of emotions and energy levels.

MOSST is deliverable online live and recorded, in-person, or a hybrid approach, and includes:

Yogiños: Yoga for Youth® is an evidence-informed, OHMazing® interdisciplinary Registered Children’s Yoga School and wellness program in English, Spanish, and Sanskrit.

We weave together mindfulness and movement with art, music, games, stories, and other sensory-integrated activities to promote flexibility, strength, balance, pro-social behavior, antibullying, and nutrition on and off the yoga mat. Yogiños: Yoga for Youth® is endorsed by Andrew Weil, M.D.